Volvo has invested decades of research in passenger safety: It invented the three-point safety belt and then waived its patent rights to other car companies so that anyone could benefit from it. The automaker also introduced the rearward-facing child seat and the booster cushion, pioneering safety features that contributed to saving many lives.
The list of such innovations goes on, the car manufacturer continuing to design “safety features that make a real difference.” Building on its reputation for safety, the company remains committed to protecting passengers’ and pedestrians’ well-being, kicking off a new social experiment to see how people behave around a crosswalk.
Imagined by Grey and launched to mark National Road Safety Month 2025, Volvo Cars India’s campaign blends the brand’s commitment to road safety with Subodh Kerkar‘s creative talent. The result is a work of art that, ironically, doesn’t get as much attention as an artwork by piece Kerkar might. Discover “The Most Ignored Painting,” an illustration that emphasizes the importance of crosswalks in pedestrian safety, a usually neglected road marking in India.
Initially introduced via a teaser reel published by the artist, the campaign invited the public to The Stainless Gallery on January 27th to discover why Kerkar’s most recent work is completely ignored. “Never in my entire career has any of my artworks received such a reaction,” the creative commented.
Revealed during the exhibition, #TheMostIgnoredPainting introduced the public to the artist’s hand-painted crosswalk. If it were to be exhibited in a museum gallery, the work of art would have received all the praise. Showcased on the road, the painting was completely neglected by drivers, revealing how vulnerable pedestrians are when crossing the road.
“Zebra crossings are more than just lines on the road; they are lifelines for pedestrians,” said Kerkar. “Through this project, I aim to spark a deeper conversation about road safety and inspire a greater sense of responsibility towards pedestrians. Art has the power to move people and create meaningful change.”
“Our partnership with Dr. Kerkar brings together art and advocacy. Through his creativity, we aim to highlight the importance of safety in a way that engages and resonates with people. Art has the power to move people, to make them pause and reflect. And when paired with a vital message like road safety, it can inspire meaningful change,” explained Jyoti Malhotra, Managing Director of Volvo Cars India.
Brand: Volvo Cars India
Artist: Subodh Kerkar
Agency: Grey India